Agni Boost Appetizer

This agni boosting appetizer will heat up your digestive fire, and encourage appetite for eating. It is best for people who are experiencing slow or dampened digestion and a lack of hunger. It is quite heating, and should not be taken by people with excess pitta or a sharp digestive fire.


  • 2 inches fresh ginger root

  • ½ lime

  • ⅛ tsp. rock salt

Preparation Method 1:

Peel and slice one small piece of ginger about the size of a penny.
Squeeze a dash of lime and a pinch of salt on the ginger.
Eat 20 minutes prior to meal time.

Preparation Method 2:

Peel and slice or julienne the ginger and place in a small jar or container.
Squeeze the fresh lime and sprinkle the salt over the ginger.
Seal and save in the refrigerator for up to a week.
Use one finger pinch 20 minutes before meals to improve sense of hunger and stimulate digestion.


Ojas Milk


Ghee (Clarified Butter)