Karna Purna: Oleation of the Ears

For those of us who are granted the ability to hear, the ears receive a significant amount of stimulation in a world with so many sounds and noises. There is the hum and song of the natural world; wind, bird song, cicadas, the yips of the coyotes, water rushing over sand and rock. The whirl and beeps of technology; vehicles, phones, alarms, heating or cooling units, radio and television. Our ears are working every minute of every day, and depending on our life style are often over stimulated. The ears are associated with ether element and vāta doṣa. Caring for the ears and the sense of hearing helps to balance vāta doṣa and the nervous system.

Karna Purna (oil in the ears) is soothing to the ear canal itself as well as the entire nervous system. The practice can be done with small amounts of oil (1-5 drops) on a regular basis or with larger amounts of oil when indicated for more acute conditions. This practice helps remove wax, prevent hearing loss, soothe ringing of the ears, vertigo, migraines, depression, anxiety, and neurological disorders. It can help induce sound sleep and calm the body-mind-spirit.

Plain sesame oil, ghee, or herbal karna purna oil can be used. It is important that the oil be warm, but not too hot to cause burning. You can test the oil temperature on the inside of your wrist before dropping it in the ears. The practice is best done at night before bed.

Karna Purna Application:

  • Warm the oil by putting the glass dropper bottle into a mug of hot water. Test the temperature before applying to the ear.

  • Put a towel over your pillow and lay on your left side so that the right ear is facing up.

  • Drop 1-5 drops of the warm oil into the ear. You can do some light massage around and over the ear as the oil sinks in.

  • Lie on your left side for about 10 minutes while the oil penetrates and nourishes the ear canal.

  • After about 10 minutes, turn over to your right side so that the left ear is facing up, and repeat the process.

  • Some of the oil will be absorbed and some will flow out when you switch sides. If oil remains in the ear canal in a manner that feels like the ear is blocked (like when you have water in the ear), use your hand as a suction over the ear to help release the oil.

  • Ideally you will be going to sleep after this practice. Do not go outside into the cold or wind after this application.

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